Many of us live in a world full of noise, full of distraction, full of outside voices telling us what and who we should be. My work focuses on helping you turn down the external input so that you can listen more closely to your deepest knowing.


Whether this is in the workplace or in your personal life, I help you center what matters most. Through our work, you will learn to trust and follow your intuition, allowing you to access what you want more of in life. Perhaps that’s a new job, more confidence and satisfaction in your current work, navigating changes related to chronic illness, or simply improving your health habits and routines. Whatever it is, I will partner with you to break through the mental clutter, identify next steps, and support you in taking meaningful action.


Hello! i’m Kim Barman

Coach and exercise physiologist. Neurodivergent. Empath. INFJ. Scorpio. Enneagram Type 5. Relentlessly curious and living with chronic illness. Obsessed with trees, clouds, mountains, and sandwiches. I love tattoos, good books, and salty language. I help people gain clarity about what they want more of in life and support them in taking meaningful action. 


How wE can Work togetheR

Juniperus | Kim Barman | Leadership Coaching | Leadership Consulting | Life Coach | Life Coaching | Leadership Consultant

leadership & career coaching

Juniperus | Kim Barman | Leadership Coaching | Leadership Consulting | Life Coach | Life Coaching | Leadership Consultant

chronic illness





hEy FEllas!

While my business centers women, you are most certainly welcome here too. If my work resonates with you and my services align with your needs, I'd love to work with you.


subscribE to the Root of It

The Root of It is the writing of one woman in midlife sorting through it. Frequent topics include: chronic illness, loss, grief, menopause, neurodivergence, and other random, not-so-heavy shit. Think of reading this newsletter as a conversation with a good friend. Together we'll learn, deepen our understanding of ourselves, and *just maybe* gain a little bit of clarity. 
